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Monday, January 10, 2011

Wes Anderson

The amount one can write about Wes Anderson*best director, producer and screen writer to ever live* is endless so i will just tell you what Wes Anderson films to watch: which is most of them.

The Life Aquatic: My personal favorite is eccentric and absolutely hysterical in the best way. You have to see this with your own eyes: besides a brilliant script and cast the cinematography is beautiful. The basic story revolves around Steve Zissou, a famous oceanographer whose best friend was mysteriously eaten at sea... you follow Steve and the Zissou team to find the creature and on the way they are confronted with pirates, enemies and a love triangle? Lots of drama aboard the Zissou ship...

The Royal Tenenbaums: The story of three gifted siblings and their dysfunctional family....just a masterpiece... you must see it for yourself. Uplifting, brilliant and hilarious!

The Squid and the Whale: Directed by Noah Baumbach but Produced by Wes Anderson: The story of two teenage boys dealing with their parents divorce resulting with one son siding with each parent. 

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